From 2019 This program successfully guided and helped thousands of women to start moving, learn proper exercise techniques, get rid of chronic pain, extra weight, manage stress, develop body and mind strength. And everything without any equipment working out at home. Often, ladies, who never liked sports - enjoyed movement so much and doesn't want to stop!
Beginner program is the best introducer into the fitness journey. So if you are new in fitness or you had big gap from working out - you should start from here!
€20 per month
BEGINNER (6 weeks)
Body health and self help training program for beginners.
This program will perfectly suit if You want to start workout effectively, strengthen and shape your body. Workouts are very easy to follow, because everything is included from breathing, repetition counting, till when to push or slow down and go drink water, so only thing is left for you - to show up and press "play". Intensity of exercises varies from low till high, but due to follow along type of training you can easily adapt physical load with pressing pause and take extra brake. Exercises will be technically not difficult - but effective!
Moreover, you will be guided in nutrition topic with information how to start check and balance your nutrition for You to eat not less, but better!
If you are looking well structured home workout program using just dumbbells - ReStart is for YOU!

ReSTART (8 weeks)
Workout at home ant nutrition balance program for women.
€35 per month
PROGRESS (8 weeks)
Workout and nutrition guide for those, who wants to improve their strength, stamina and body shape.
The newest program and most entertaining program. Progress is most suitable to go after Restart or, if you have good fitness level and want to improve your strength, mobility, stamina and, of course, shape your body. Workouts will be challenging and will require determination, but always you have an option to modify the load by working out with less weight, do less repetitions or work for less time, and, if needed, press pause for extra recovery.
If you want to push towards your fitness goals and you have enough space to put yoga mat and few dumbbells - you are perfectly set to join!
P.S. This program is really entertaining, recorded in beautiful nature locations! So during workouts you will get some extra vitamin D from Greek sun. I am sure you will be hooked to see what is next!
€35 per month

EXPRESS (4 weeks)
Express workout program for busy people, who doesn't have much time, space nor equipment to workout.
This program is created for those who doesn't have an hour for training, neither a lot of space or any equipment. As well as, for those who is on vacation, but wants to keep toned and in shape. To follow workouts will be very easy, because everything is included from breathing, counting till when to push or slow down and go drink water, so only thing is left for you - to show up and press "play". Workouts are HIIT style with no repetitive exercises to help you stay engaged, curioyus and entertained. Also, you always can easily adapt physical load with pressing pause and take extra brake. Do not get tricked, 20 minutes it is more than enough to get sweaty and keep you energized to go through day!
Looking for short, full and fun workouts? - Join EXPRESS!
€35 per month
MOBILITY (4 workouts)
10 min movement drills for better health, movement and recovery.

In mobility we practice static and dynamic stretch with incorporated breathing. Including mobility in your daily routine can help you:
Relax tensed and strengthen weaker muscles.
Get rid of chronic joint, muscle, upper/lower back pain, or even headaches.
Improve movement quality and range of motion, reduce disbalances and cracking/popping/locking feeling in the body.
Fill your body with oxygen due to mindful movement and breath work. Which will increase brain and body work capacity, improve sleep quality and recovery in general.
If you are looking to add mindful movement and breathing into your morning or evening routine - give MOBILITY program a try!
€16 per month
Here's what our customers say about the programs
”Esu sužavėta profesionaliai paruošta programa: pratimai aiškūs, su keliomis variacijomis, visos pratimų klaidos pasakomos. Ir pats video sukurtas profesionaliai. Kas man dar patiko - judu savo tempu, nesiplėšau, o visa šlapia po treniruotės. Jėga!
Ačiū, Lina, už puikiai praleistą laiką ir visoms sportininkėms už bendrystę. Ačiū kūnui, kuris mane nešė per šią kelionę. Visiems sėkmės”
- Živilė S. -
”Nesu labai sportiškai žmogus, bet pajudėti mėgstu. Pradedant pradedančiųjų programą tikslas buvo - sustiprinti raumenis ir širdį. Buvo sunkesnių dienų, bet labai patiko metodiškai sunkėjančios treniruotės. Labai patiko ramus, kulturingas Linos balsas, vedantis per užsiėmimą. Pradedančiųjų treniruotes labai rekomenduoju visoms, kurios nori sustiprėti!”
- Arūnė A. -
”Rekomenduoju 100 proc. Puiki trenerė, daug paaiškinimų ir pastabų tobulam pratimų atlikimui. Pratimai nesudėtingi, po truputį sunkėjantys. Labai patiko, kad visa treniruotė įrašyta nuo pradžios ir pabaigos, jaučiausi, lyg sportuočiau kartu su trenere sporto salėje. Ačiū už puikią savijautą ir sustiprėjusius raumenis! Būtinai tęsiu toliau”
- Giedrė G. -
”Ši puiki trenerė sugeba sušildyt ir "užburti:" judesiu, net pačią labiausiai "apkerpėjusią" sielą, po treniruočių jautiesi gyvas, pilnas džiaugsmo ir puikios nuotaikos...ačiū tau Lina, gražinai į mano gyvenimą džiaugsmą”
kartu sportuojame jau 5metus!